
Staging Your Home

Let's face it, there are a lot of homes out there that are NOT staged. Does it hurt the seller when trying to sell? Absolutely!

Staged homes sell faster and for a higher price. Does that mean that you have to hire professionals and spend a lot of money? No, however there are companies you can hire who do specialize in staging which may be worth it for some sellers. You can do a lot or all of it yourself as well.

Words to keep in mind are: De-clutter, Neutralize, Clean, and Repair. For every showing you should have it tidy, neat, fresh, and bright.

For detailed Showing and Staging checklists - contact us and we'd be happy to send it to you.  

Get In Touch

Tania King & Tina Hansen

Phone: Tania: 403-813-4448 / Tina: 403-891-9142

Fax: 403-592-6998


Office Info


168, 8060 Silver Springs Blvd NW, Calgary, AB T3B 5K1 

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